Male Condom

Barrier Method

A condom is a thin film sheath that is placed over a man’s erect penis before having sex.

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Condoms are sometimes called a “barrier” method of contraception. They are made of very thin latex (rubber) or similar material.  They prevent pregnancy by stopping sperm from meeting an egg. 

Condoms are the only type of contraception that can prevent pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs) if used correctly. To be effective, male condoms have to be used every time you have sex. When used correctly, male condoms are 98% effective against pregnancy.

Some people are allergic to latex, in which case using polyurethane or polyisoprene condoms may help prevent an allergic reaction.


Using a condom can be an enjoyable part of sex and does not have to feel like an interruption. To use it, gently roll the condom down to the base of the erect penis. 

After sex, take out the penis while it is still erect, making sure to hold the condom on at the base of the penis while you do this, and be careful not to spill any semen. Remove the condom from the penis and throw it away. If you have sex again, use a new condom.

Do not use oil-based lubricants – such as lotion, body oil or petroleum jelly if you are using latex condoms. These can damage the condom and may cause it to split.




There are none, although some people may be allergic to latex


A condom is a thin film sheath placed over a man’s erect penis before sex.

Condoms are highly effective against HIV and some other STDs when used consistently and correctly. They create a barrier that prevents viruses and bacteria from passing through. Lab studies supported by the CDC confirm this barrier’s effectiveness against even the smallest pathogens like HIV.

The level of protection varies based on proper usage, with NIH data indicating an 85% reduction in HIV transmission risk when used consistently and correctly.

For STDs, condoms offer better protection against those transmitted via genital fluids (e.g., gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and HIV) than those primarily transmitted through skin-to-skin contact (e.g., genital herpes, HPV, syphilis, and chancroid).

However, condoms don’t provide absolute protection against all STDs. The most reliable methods to avoid transmission are sexual abstinence or being in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner.

There is a range of tests performed by both regulatory agencies and condom manufacturers. These include electronic testing, the water leak test, the air burst test and the strength test.

Check that the use-by date has not expired, that they carry a standards approval mark (either FDA, ISO, CE or the British Standard Kite Mark), and that they have been properly stored.

As with most barrier methods, it can take a bit of practice to use this method correctly. As long as you are clear on how to use them, you should get the hang of it.

No, it is not necessary to take a ‘pill break’ unless you want to get pregnant. There is no effect on long-term fertility even if you take hormonal contraceptives for years.

Contraception Methods


1 or 2 small hormone-releasing silicone rods placed under the skin by a healthcare provider.


1 or 2 small hormone-releasing silicone rods placed under the skin by a healthcare provider.
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The contraceptive injection is a shot of hormones that lasts for 1 up to 3 months.


The contraceptive injection is a shot of hormones that lasts for 1 up to 3 months.
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A patch that sticks to the skin and releases hormones that are highly effective at stopping pregnancy.


A patch that sticks to the skin and releases hormones that are highly effective at stopping pregnancy.
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A flexible plastic ring that is placed in the vagina by the woman and constantly releases hormones.


A flexible plastic ring that is placed in the vagina by the woman and constantly releases hormones.
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A diaphragm is a small dome that blocks the entrance to the cervix to stop sperm from entering the womb.


A diaphragm is a small dome that blocks the entrance to the cervix to stop sperm from entering the womb.
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Emergency contraceptives are hormone-based pills that are used in the event of accidental unprotected sex.


Emergency contraceptives are hormone-based pills that are used in the event of accidental unprotected sex.
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A female condom is a sheath that is placed inside a woman’s vagina before sexual intercourse.


A female condom is a sheath that is placed inside a woman’s vagina before sexual intercourse.
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Fertility awareness is the method of only having sex on the non-fertile days of your menstrual cycle.


Fertility awareness is the method of only having sex on the non-fertile days of your menstrual cycle.
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An IUD is a small, flexible, often T-shaped device wrapped in copper that is placed inside your womb by your healthcare provider.


An IUD is a small, flexible, often T-shaped device wrapped in copper that is placed inside your womb by your healthcare provider.
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An IUS is a small, flexible, T-shaped system that releases low levels of hormones and is placed inside the womb by your healthcare provider.


An IUS is a small, flexible, T-shaped system that releases low levels of hormones and is placed inside the womb by your healthcare provider.
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Pulling out (also called Withdrawal Method) requires no additional hormones or devices, just impeccable timing and a lot of luck.


Pulling out (also called Withdrawal Method) requires no additional hormones or devices, just impeccable timing and a lot of luck.
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Spermicides affect the way sperm travels in the womb making it hard for them to move freely and fertilize an egg.


Spermicides affect the way sperm travels in the womb making it hard for them to move freely and fertilize an egg.
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A sponge blocks the entrance to the cervix and releases spermicide, both together stopping sperm from entering the womb and fertilizing an egg.


A sponge blocks the entrance to the cervix and releases spermicide, both together stopping sperm from entering the womb and fertilizing an egg.
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Sterilisation is the process of completely taking away the body’s ability to reproduce through surgery or minimal invasion.


Sterilisation is the process of completely taking away the body’s ability to reproduce through surgery or minimal invasion.
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The pill is a small tablet containing hormones that must be swallowed every day, at the same time.


The pill is a small tablet containing hormones that must be swallowed every day, at the same time.
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